40 Times Celebrities Hilariously Photobombed Ordinary People’s Photos


May 7, 2024

Are celebrities really just like us? They walk, talk, and eat and breathe — they even photobomb like us! Most people might timidly approach a celebrity to ask for a picture, but sometimes the stars themselves make that bold first move. And for those lucky people, there’s no need to beg for a selfie. It makes sense, in the end. These A-listers are accustomed to the limelight. Living in front of the camera is a natural way of being for them. We only wish we were there to see the reactions from these fans’ when they realized just who they had captured in their selfie.

 1. Queen Elizabeth II

Is the fence really greener on the other side? Oh, if only this young woman would have turned around to realize the Queen of England herself was right behind her cheesing for the camera.
