The story of the soldier who fought for 30 years without knowing World War Two had ended


May 8, 2024

The best in his division

Hiroo’s strict training program consisted of swimming hours on end in the Pacific ocean and in the evenings, learning Kendo, a form of martial arts. In a few months he went from looking like an ordinary 17 year old boy to a fierce soldier. His superiors noticed Hiroo’s potential and transferred him to a special division called “The Devil’s Crew Men”. There was nothing funny about the training for this division. In his book, Hiroo notes that his training taught him spiritual discipline. Even within his new division,  Hiroo stood out from the rest, once again he was moved to another division in Futomata, the division that stems from Makinoma, the famous military school. This was where Hiroo learned to fight as a mercenary and learned the most important survival techniques. Hiroo didn’t know it yet, but this information would be vital to him later on. 
