If You Eat These 10 Foods, Your Life Expectancy Will Improve


May 3, 2024


Not only are nuts great for your health because they contain monounsaturated fats, minerals, antioxidants, vegetable protein, and fiber, but they are also low-glycemic foods that can help manage glycemic control, and therefore work as anti-diabetes ingredients. Although nuts can be pretty calorific, they are however very helpful to manage and lose weight since they can lower your appetite and support your cardiovascular system. Eating nuts regularly will therefore lower your cholesterol and prevent heart diseases, so chop them up, put them in your salad dressings or make sure to have them around as a snack!

U.S. adults put on about a pound a year on average. But people who had a regular nut-snacking habit put on less weight and had a lower risk of becoming obese over time, a new study finds.