These fishermen couldn’t believe what they found on an iceberg


May 14, 2024

Dropping the baskets

Once they reached their destination, they turned off the boat and stayed in that spot.

It was always a good place to find crabs, and they hoped that day would not be an exception. They prepped the crab pots and dropped them on the ocean, where they hoped there would be plenty of crustaceans. Then the wait came. They had to sit and let the cages drag on the ocean floor  so that the crabs could find their bait and climb in it.

Even if it was nearly the end of crab season, they hoped they would finish with a bang. They had been very lucky the last weeks and had pulled up a lot of crab, but they were worried their luck might be running out. It had been a booming year for them and they didn’t want to mess it up.
